Apply to the Wattle-and-Daub and light Straw Workshop, in Casaprota Italy
On Thursday, 13th of April, LearnBIØN Workshop #2 (Build and Design with wattle-and-daub and light straw) has officially been lanced in Casaprota, central Italy. AK0-chairman Arch. Stefan Pollak met Marcello Ratini, mayor of Casaprota and Arch. Renato Vivaldi Tesser, chairman of SabinArti, the local partner organisation, for the project start.
Next July AK0 will run a 4-weeks design and build workshop on sustainable building technology as part of Erasmus+- network BIØN (Building Impact Zero Network). From now on professionals, students and other interested citizens can sign for this interesting experience in the beautiful Sabina-region in central Italy.
In the following days we will also present the design for a small building that we want to share with the local community and which we will build together during the workshop.