Discussing sustainable building and housing in Grenoble
At the end of October our partners from Sciences Po, the school for political sciences at the University of Grenoble-Alpes in France invite to a two days seminar on sustainable building and housing. More than 50 students with backgrounds in socio-economics, public administration and urban planning along with professionals and other attendees have participated at the joint program chaired by our partner Amélie Artis.
BIØN could contribute with a general presentation of experiences gathered during 6 years of LearnBIØN, the network's training program. Lucile Couvreur introduced the audience to the specificities of building in direct collaboration with local communities and with locally sourced materials within a framework of building and training. François Gillet and Stefan Pollak have animated two active seminars inviting students and other participants to a deeper reflection on the human dimension of collaborating for the habitat and on participative design and build processes. During a round table the contributions triggered interesting questions from the audience and its interdisciplinary composition fuelled stimulating discussions.
Other contributions included a conference on affordable housing and ecological transition by urbanist Adriana Diaconu from the Institute of Urbanism and alpine Geography Grenoble and a round table on different approaches of housing cooperatives in the larger Grenoble area with Aurelie Caillaud (SCIC AtticorA), Benjamin Pont (Habitat & Partage), Rémi Pascual (SAS Habitée).