Discussing sustainable building and housing in Grenoble
Two days of seminar on sustainable building and housing held at the University Grenoble-Alpes. LearnBIØN has been discussed as strategic tool to bring sustainable building choices into active communities in Europe.
Learning by building meets academia and professionals at international architecture seminar
Alessio Battistella from our partner organisation ARCò had the opportunity to present the experience gathered during six years of LearnBIØN program at the 32nd International Seminar and Award in Architecture and Urban Culture in Camerino, Italy.
Openstudio packing up
The exhibition on the Bi0n network is coming to an end!
Thank you all for contributing your work and building new practices. We will now move out of Open studio at Färgfabriken, very satisfied with having shared our work in the Stockholm area. Thank you all!
Future planning for circular building
All partners gathered in Stockholm for an intense work session on future plans for the network. We summarised the learnings from the partners and reflected on improvements to strengthen circular building practices all across Europe.
Sharing is caring!
On Friday 17th June 2022, AES Studio’s Anna Sundman and Emily Aquilina hosted the international Conference ‘Down to Earth’ at Färgfabriken in Stockholm, Sweden. The event focused on the current practice and future possibilities for sustainability in the architectural and construction industries. Gaining insights into the practical knowledge, built work and natural/circular material innovations of BIØN, the Building Impact Zero Network, produced over a six-year European funded project.
BASEhabitat - Lecture Series
BASEhabitat invited Tânia Teixeira to speak at a theory lecture for the University of Linz under the title Working in Networks - BIØN Building Impact Zero Network.
Down to Earth
Building Impact Zero Network finishes 6 years of experimental building with circular materials, and now we want to share it with you! In a full day conference we will share our practical explorations in biological- and low-impact building techniques and all the surrounding knowledge of people-led movements, cooperative strength and the latest on earth building research